Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summary: Vaporizing Lavender

Well known to have a exceptional taste as well as numerous uses for treating issues such as insomnia and pain relief. Lavender is reported to have a relatively narrow vaporization temperature making well suited for highly controlled desktop vaporizers, however many have reported that using it in a blend with other herbs provides a fantastic taste.

Ideal Temperature: Vaporizing Lavender

Lavender has an optimal vaporization temperature of 130C (266F) and exudes a pleasant taste.

Effects: Vaporizing Lavender

Lavender effects have been widely reported to include; relaxation, pain relief (especially for headaches and muscle aches), anxiety relief, and a general sense of well being. It has been reported that the effects of vaporizing lavender can take up to 10 mins for the full effects to set in, so take your time and remember to grind the dried lavender well and use smaller quantities before vaping.

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