Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summary: Vaporizing Camomile

Chamomile has been acknowledged for hundreds of years to aid in the relief of stress, indigestion, headaches, anxiety, and depression. Typically prepared as tea for the relief of stress symptoms and indigestion, chamomile is well suited for portable and desktop vaporizers. Vaporizing chamomile has been reported to provide a feeling of relaxation and mild euphoria. Chamomile has been used by many in blends with other herbs, such as cannabis and sativa, to produce a combined effect that users report increases the stress reducing effect.

Ideal Temperature: Vaporizing Chamomile

Chamomile has an optimal vaporization temperature of 190C (374F) and produces a distinctive taste which user opinion tends to be split about.

Effects: Vaporizing Chamomile

Most commonly prepared as a tea, chamomile has been used in the aid of disgestion and as a sleep aid for centuries. The effects of chamomile are well documented and utilized my many herbal practitioners. Although chamomile is well suited for both desktop and portable vaporizers however, the fresh herb maybe used with higher temperature desktop vaporizers. Many users have reported that the use of chamomile in blends with their cannibus, particularly sativa dominant strains, helps to alleviate the edge associated with such cannabis strains.

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