Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Now that your first right is in place. Your body is purified on the inside part. It is time to purify the outside part.
Have you ever heard the term "If you cannot eat it, you should not put it on your skin"? NIBA embodies this very belief with External. Discover natural elements encompassing a wide range of benefits mainly for external use yet may be incorporated internally through careful manipulation in an effort to aide certain ailments. NIBA provides extensive insight on benefits, proper application and precautions in an effort to maximize healthy skin, hair and nails. Nominal internal use is encouraged with precautionary guidelines in place. NIBA promotes an age old philosophy “Everything is Everything” meaning each of the five rights may intertwine with one another enforcing one of the core ideas of NIBA (Naturally Incorporating Body Awareness). For an example after exercising you may want to soak your sore muscles in a Jacuzzi induced bath mixed with salts, milks, muds (earth) and oils to aide rejuvenation, sore muscle relief, and a skin beautifying process all the while inducing mental relaxation

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