Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Although NIBA encourages following the five rights in order, it is understood all lifestyles and belief systems may be relative to each individual’s level of commitment, expertise and or organic knowledge. With this being understood NIBA designed a system that may be incorporated to intertwine and benefit by whatever approach one may take. For example starting from phase four with a portion of phase one or starting from phase two with a bit of phase three and four and so on and so forth. NIBA provides every tool needed to prepare any organic food or beverage for internal intake. We also provide storage options that are free of harmful side effects. For an example: www.niba4life.com only carries glass food storage containers due to the proven fact some plastic containers may posses cancer causing agents. We encourage your internal should be free of additives, preservatives, sugars, packaged foods, shelf stored food to name a few. It is known our bodies are meant to be nourished with input that is organic alive or as fresh as possible at intake. There should be nothing added to anything to create an unnatural state of existence. We are desecrating our bodies by consuming anything

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